Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Canterbury Tales, The Miller Essays - The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales, The Miller ?The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales? ?The Miller? ?The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales? were told during a pilgrimage journey from London to the shrine of the martyr St. Thomas a Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. This was approximately 70 miles to the southeast. These Tales were told by a group of 29 pilgrims, and a Host who met up with them at the Tabard Inn. They left the Inn on the morning of April, 11. The Nun's Priest Tale was the first story actually told, this was determined by whoever drew the shortest straw. The pilgrim who told the best story would win a free dinner, and the loser's had to pay for his dinner. Geoffrey Chaucer who was without a doubt the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, wrote this great story ?The Canterbury tales?. What makes this story so memorable is the fact that Chaucer began writing ?The Canterbury Tales? in 1387, and had never finished , he wrote on this story from the years 1387-1400, until he passed away. But now that we've talked about chaucer and I have gave you a little bit of background on The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, We are going to learn a little bit about the Miller, who was one of the 29 pilgrims on the religious journey. We will learn about his Physical Traits, his Personality, and also his Professional Trades. The Miller was a very big and strong man, that , stated in The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, ?Could win the ram at any wrestling show?. He was Broad, Knotty , and Short-Shouldered. It also says he could ?Heave any door off hinge and post, Or take a run and break it with his head.? The Millers' beard was red, and very big and thick, and his nose had a wart on the end, with red hairs protruding out of it. His nostrils were black and very wide. He wore a sword and a buckler at his side, also the Miller wore a blue hood and a white coat. This is it for the physical traits of the Miller, I think you know by now, that he was big, and he was strong. Now we'll talk about the Millers' personality. The Millers' personality was very distinct, It matched his physical traits almost exactly. the Miller was very boastful in his ways, he would boast to people about how he could bust any door down and off the hinges, or take a run and break it with his head, he was also a very greedy man, He would steal from the poor, or the rich without even thinking twice. his thumb of gold was how he did this, meaning, he pressed on the scale with his thumb to increase the weight of the grain that he sold to his customers, or so they thought he was selling them. The Miller also had a filthy mouth, and told tavern stories quite often. Also, he liked to play the bagpipes, in fact he was the pilgrim that led all the pilgrims out of town playing the bagpipes. Well, now that we know the greediness, dishonesty, and boastfullness of the Miller, we'll talk a little bit about his professional trades. Of course, I think we all know what his trade is, it's obviously a miller, He weighed corn and wheat, which he ground up into meal and flour for his customers. But most importantly when he would weight the people's corn and wheat out on the scale , he would press down on the scale to make it seem like he was selling them more meal or flour than he actually was. the Miller was very skilled in cheating the scale. but, overall the miller was very good at his job, even though he cheated his customers. In this review of the Miller, we talked about his physical traits, personality, and his professional trades. As we know the Miller was very big and strong, his beard was red, and had a big wart on the end of his nose. We also learned of his boastful personality, how he bragged about busting down doors with his head, and running through them knocking the door of it's hinges. The Miller was also a very dishonest and immoral person, the Millers' trade was obviously a miller, he weighed peoples corn and wheat, and ground it up for them into meal and flour. He was very good at this trade, but, he had one flaw, he cheated his customers out of money, by making them pay for more meal or flour than they were

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